if u treat someone, different, better then the others, it called "special"
if u treat someone, the same as the other, can it (still) called "special"???
in case u failed to notice, i just remind you that :
every lady likes to be treated specially
so, treat her right, will u?
mbak ratri curcol yak,hehehe
BalasHapusbut that's right...we like to be threated as a-really-lady;
not just like an-ordinary-woman :)
mbak blognya tak link ke blogku ya..
*lagi demam blogging juga* :D
sipppp.. boleh.. boleh..
BalasHapusblog anis apa ya???
pengen tau juga
blogku melloww mbak, ahahaha...
hope mbak will 'enjoy' it :)
ps: verifikasi katanya diilangi aja deh mbak, biar komen gampang masuk ^_^V
oalaaaahh.. dek nisa to, tak kiro sopo